Saturday, March 5, 2016

"Freeze Time" Telling Time Activity

    It's been a while since I've made a post, and a lot has changed in my little teaching world. This year I have been working in a wonderful significant needs middle school classroom. As my first year teaching in a significant needs classroom, it felt like my first year teaching all over again! And I'm sure we all remember how crazy that first year can be. So, now that you're all caught up on me, I wanted to share an activity that I have been doing in my math class that the kids absolutely LOVE!

This is the basket right by the door, where the students pick up their cards each day.

     In my math class, I focus on teaching functional skills--skills that will help my students with everyday tasks and teach them how to live independently in the future. 

This activity is called "Freeze Time."

When each student walks into class, they pick up a Freeze Time card and a dry erase marker. Students continue class as normal. Throughout the class, I will periodically say "FREEZE". All of my students know that they must pause what they're doing and look up at the clock. They write down whatever time the clock says. At the end of class, they put their cards back in the basket.

Once class is over, I have one of my paras check the cards for correctness. I have set up a reward system with my students: each time every student in the class gets the correct answers, they earn a letter. If they are able to earn every letter to spell out "Freeze Time", I bring them in a surprise, as promised.

As you can see, the kids are SO close to finishing! And with each letter they get, they get more and more encouraged to get the right answer and, ultimately, excited to earn their prize. 

This activity has been super great in my classroom because I can make sure my kiddos aren't losing their time telling skills. Now I don't have to take a whole day just to have a review day!

If you'd like to get your own "Freeze Time" cards, please click HERE!    


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