Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Smartboard/Powerpoint Money

Last year I found myself teaching in a high school functional/life skills class. When I came in as a student teacher, I found that all of the students were really struggling with identifying and counting money. Worksheets had just not been working. (How well do they ever really work anymore?) Kids, even the students with significant learning needs, LOVE and THRIVE from using technology. I just believe that some sort of technology in the classroom is so essential. It's something that I feel teachers should be really taking advantage of. I personally don't know how teachers survived with out it years ago. But anyways...back to money! Although the students in the class have already been introduced to coins, repetition couldn't hurt. I made a smart board presentation for my students to help hit some of those different learning styles. I started by introducing all of the coins individually.

The green dots help students when they are counting groups of coins. The dime has two dots. They will POINT and SAY "5, 10" as they touch each dot. Seems super simple, but it is extremely effective.
My kids loved, loved, loved this!! It was a change from what their normal teacher did on a daily basis, so they were really engaged. The presentation gives several opportunities for an "I do, we do, you do" method. Feel free to download the presentation FREE by clicking HERE and use in your own class. I know, as teachers, we can be quite busy during the day so sharing resources is a must. 

And again, please let me know if it worked well in your classroom!

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